Welcome! A big 'thank you' to those of you who visited my
last post and left the most encouraging comments. I really enjoyed writing from my heart, and it pleases me that you all felt touched by it.
I love how the seasons play out in a garden. Spring brings life to some of my most glorious flowers, like the daffodils, irises, peonies, lilies of the valley, azaleas and more.
A peony bud, with rain drops inside. |
Before the white peony bursts fully, it has the prettiest shade of light pink. |
Azaleas. |
These plum irises have the briefest of days to shine. |
Seems like one day each variety has its chance to dazzle, and the next, the blossoms begin to fade.
The lavender perfumes the air near my dining room window. |
As Summer approaches and the weather warms, different plants come into their own. My beloved hydrangeas make their big appearance.
Blue hydrangeas from my favorite bush. |
A garden, through its seasons, reminds me of an orchestra, playing one long piece of beautiful music. Each player contributes to the symphony.
A view of the side yard, with day lilies and a pink hydrangea. |
I love the beautiful music I see and hear in my yard. I enjoy this progression, letting each plant do its thing.
Lady's mantle. I just love the way water beads up on its leaves. |
Clematis had its time to bloom weeks ago. It's done for the season. |
Fuzzy lamb's ears. I love the soft texture and the silvery green foliage. |
Thunbergia continues to wind its way up the trellis. |
I am so glad you dropped by today. I hope you've enjoyed my garden photos!
Peace and blessings to you,

All of these are SO beautiful, Colleen! Your photography is stunning. I am enjoying my peonies right now! I knew we'd be having rain all weekend, so I clipped a half dozen stems with buds and brought them inside in a vase. The ones still on the bush outside are all waterlogged and kissing the ground. They won't last long. But I've got a profusion of full and frilly peonies opening on our kitchen table :)
Ohhh... I truly loved looking at these, Colleen! Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
Gorgeous! Our hydrangea isn't doing very well but the other stuff was and is gorgeous. We had one glorious grape iris last week that was huge and smelled like grape kool aid. We have tons of roses and lilies right now. I enjoyed tip toeing through your garden with you!
Chris R. from Iowa
So pretty: thanks for sharing your garden with those of us who live in upstairs apartments with no place for a garden. Someday. . .
Beautiful, Colleen. I love the photo of the water drops on the Lady's Mantle. You have such a wonderful selection of blooming flowers. Right now, I'm really enjoying my lace cap hydrangeas. I only have one peony and it is in a pot...hope to find a good place to grow a bed of them. Thanks for the visit through your garden. It's a pure delight!
So many pretty flowers my friend.. I am so jealous of your Hydrangea's. I would love to be able to grow some.. To darn hot here in the desert..
Thanks so much for sharing your garden with us!
Hi Colleen! I'm Becca and I stopped over from Linda's blog. Blue hydrangeas are my favorite so I couldn't resist coming over here for a visit! Your photography is lovely and I look forward to seeing more! I just moved from Las Vegas to the Seattle area, and now I can grow such lovely flowers! I too am a hobby photographer and I am thrilled to have a whole new world out there to explore with my lens! I'd be thrilled to have you drop by for a visit sometime!
Excellent photos, Colleen!! By the way, I am coming over for tea in the garden. It looks so inviting!!
Gorgeous garden photos! Thank you so much for sharing...very lovely!
Hi Colleen
I have an interest in photography too so came right over to have a look at your blog. Gorgeous, gorgeous photos of your garden - you must be so proud of it and that front porch.......
Hope that you are well.
Catch up soon.
Colleen your garden is just beautiful. I think I am going to get a couple pink hydrangeas. I love that flower!!!
Wow! You are a talented photographer, and definitely have a green thumb. Now I know where you get your inspiration for all those exquisite cards you make. Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog too. Blessings!
oh my goodness, what an amazing garden... loved the photographs Colleen ... WOW!! Off now to read previous post ..of course I am doing things backwards :-)
Colleen, every time I visit the flower photos take my breath away, love them all.
Colleen, every time I visit the flower photos take my breath away, love them all.
I love your garden, you are so lucky to be able to grow those wonderful peonies!
wow and wow, I love all the flowers...I believe the present of flowers makes so much more outstand in a layout just like Prima's style..
I love that!
Thanks for having great comments in Papier's blog.
glad if you drop by more in my blogspot of janetcraft.
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